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Rogue Crews provide fleets temporary enhancements like speed bursts and critical hits. Buy these boosts by winning Reputation Currency awarded after successful attacks on Drac targets. Collect all new Rogue Crews and put 'em to work, Captain!
  — Kixeye 


Recruitment Type Chances Cost Reroll Cost
Basic Common: High
Uncommon: Medium
Legendary: None
100 Uranium 60 Uranium
Advanced Common: Medium
Uncommon: High
Legendary: Low
500 Uranium or
100 Uranium + 15 Gold
300 Uranium
or 10 Gold

Rogue Crews[]

Rogue Crew Type Bonus Favored Hull Favored Hull Bonus Duration
Bullseye Brigade U Accuracy 100% All Missile Cruiser Rank +15%
Sonar +16
Creeping Death U Building Damage +19% Hammerhead Rank +15%
Defense +40%
Dead-Eye Destroyers C Critical Hit 15% - - 26m
Demolition Squad L Building Damage +25%
Defense +30%
Base Attack Extended +60s
Triton Rank +15% Anti
Mortar Range +30%
1h 30m
Disciples of Skullduggery L Shots that normal miss become Critical Hits plus splash bonus - - 1h 30m
Dragonslayers C Salvage +100% Zynthium Draconian Rank +15% 1h
Fearless Blitzers U Ballistic Critical Hit 11%
Combat Speed: Double for 18 sec
Stingray Rank +15% Ballistic Defense +30% 50m
Gearheads C Combat Speed: Double to normal over 20 seconds - - 50m
Grease Monkeys L Speed, Damage and Defense Bonus of up to 30% based on damage received.
Half Repair time
Arbiter & Hurricane Rank +15%
Tactical Field Range: +19%
1h 30m
Hellfire Heathens U Rocket Critical Hit +8%
Splash +14%
Thresher Rank +15%
Combat Speed: Double for 16 seconds
Irradiated Cutthroats L +100% Uranium Gained Radioactive Defense +30% - - 26m 40s
Junkyard Dogs U Base Guard Only
Critical Hit 8%
Explosive Defense +30
Goliath Rank +15%
Missile Defense +30%
Lucky Bastards C 100% Blueprint Drop - - 10m 6s
Midnight Marauders U Speed, Damage and Defense Bonus of up to 20% based on damage received Interdictor Rank +15%
Concussive Defense +20%
Molotov Maidens Splash +30%
Spread +14%
Strike Cruiser Rank +15%
Evade +20%
Mortarheads U Mortar Critical Hit 11%
Anti-Mortar Range +30%
Dreadnought Rank +15%
Cargo +500,000
Radar Runners U Flight time of LP rocket reduced to 2s Gun Boat Rank +15%
Damage +3,000
Salty Dogs C Double experience for ship ranking Forsaken Rank +15% 50m
Sea Serpents C +50% Turn Speed
+12% Evade
- - 40m
Silent Hunters U Torpedo Critical Hit 8%
Combat Speed +10%
Predator Rank +15%
Concussive Damage +100%
Steelheads C Ballistic Defense +10%
Missile Defense +10%
Explosive Defense +10%
Concussive Defense +10%
- - 40m
Wharf Rats C Map Speed Min 70mph
Cargo 500%
Salvage 50%
- - 1h
Wolfpack U Missile Critical Hit 14% Sea Wolf Rank +15%
Combat Speed +20%
Wrecking Crew C Building Damage +14% 33m

Type: C - Common; U- Uncommon; L - Legendary

Retired Rogue Crews[]

Rogue Crew Type Bonus Favored Hull Favored Hull Bonus Duration
Crypt Keepers U Cloak Efficiency +30%
Cloak Time +10%
Spectre Rank +15%
Missile Defence +30%
30 Min


  • Rogue Crews are recruited to help Forsaken captains (new feature as of 6 Jun 2013).
  • You can have a maximum of 10 unassigned Rogue Crews; after 10, you must assign or dismiss to recruit more.
  • Once you assign a Rogue Crew you've recruited to a fleet its duration timer starts -- you cannot pause the timer, and you cannot remove the crew (you can Dismiss the crew, but then you loose all the remaining time they had).
  • However you can reassign and reuse a rogue crew right after it expires by spending 3 coins (as of May 2014). You can only do this once.
  • Rogue Crews can be recruited from the Great Hall by spending Uranium.  (old school this was called "Reputation Points")
  • Uranium is earned by destroying some Draconian targets.
  • Elite salvage Fleets and Draconian Bases all give players Uranium.  Barely though, as Elite Salvages yield but 10 UR per kill regardless of level.
  • Once a player reaches Level 35 or higher, Salvage Fleets no longer give Uranium.
  • Once a Rogue Crew has been earned, they can be temporarily allocated to one of your fleets and enhance their capabilities.
  • Rogue Crews are divided into three categories Common, Uncommon, and Legendary.
  • There are two types of recruitment: Basic and Advanced: Advanced gives players a chance to earn Uncommon and Legendary Rogue Crews, while lessening the chance to get Common.
  • The Lucky Bastards rogue crew is incredibly useful. With the right fleet it is possible to get 9 blueprint pieces completed with a single rogue crew.

Additional Facts[]

  • Kixeye have reduced the costs for both Re-roll and Extend options.
  • Advanced Recruitment will now cost: 500 Uranium or 100 Uranium  & 15 Gold.
  • Basic Re-Roll will now cost: 2 Gold.
  • Advanced Re-Roll will now cost: 10 Gold.
  • Extend costs have been reduced by 40% to 3 coin.
  • Game Improvement - Molotov Maidens have had their favored ship Evade bonus reduced from 30% to 20%, but will now include the Strike Cruiser X.
  • 1/16/14 - Rogue Crews are now properly displaying their duration timer in the Dock UI again. You may need to refresh your game to see this take effect.




Battle Pirates Rogue Crews-0

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