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BUILDING DESCRIPTION A water-based lab used to research retrofitted hulls. Retrofit Lab - Main Pic
EFFECTS OF UPGRADE Unlock access to new items.
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Upgrade Progression[]

LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5
OIL 501,067 4,008,536 24,051,216 96,204,864 163,548,269
METAL 484,000 3,872,000 23,232,000 92,928,000 157,977,600
ENERGY 459,103 3,672,824 22,036,944 88,147,776 149,851,219
ZYNTHIUM 529,230 4,233,840 25,403,040 101,612,160 172,740,672
TIME 10h 33m 36s 1 day 7 hours 21 min

2d 9h 21min 57s

4d 2h 23m 15s 5d 19h 8m 53s
TIME WITH OFFICER ??? ??? ??? 3d 16h 32m 55s 5d 5h 13m 59s
OLD TIME 4d 9h
4d 20h
9m 36s
5d 7h 5d 20h
33m 13s
6d 10h
36m 32s
32m 38s
4d 18h
59m 54s
5d 6h
29m 53s
5d 19h
8m 52s
REQUIREMENTS Level 7 Naval Lab Level 4 Outpost Level 5 Outpost Level 5 Outpost Level 5 Outpost

Additional Information[]

  • Used to upgrade existing Forsaken hulls with new abilities.
  • As of Sep 2013, only certain blue print-hulls can be upgraded this way.
  • Retrofitting hulls, weapons, specials or armors gives inherent upgrades to every copy of that type.
  • This contrasts with refitting a hull which applies is more akin to taking a weapon off a single ship and replacing it with a better weapon on that ship.
  • The Retrofit Lab requires a Naval Lab Level 7 in order to be built.
  • The Retrofit Lab can be upgraded to level 5.
  • The Level 5 Retrofit Lab gives access to any level 5 retrofits, Level 4 Retrofit Lab gives access to any level 4 retrofits, etc.
  • The related blueprint is also required before the retrofit research is available.
  • Only blueprints are retrofittable. For example, the Hammerhead A, Hammerhead B & Battle Barge A are all retrofittable. However, the Hammerhead and Battle Barge researched in the Naval Lab are not retrofittable.
  • Hull retrofit time increases according to the number of hulls of that type actually built. However, retrofitting weapons, specials, armors or tactical modules is only 1 day each at least for all R1 retrofits.
  • Hull retrofits are designed for mid to high level players (approx. L40 and higher).
  • Kixeye designed the other retrofits for players level 55 and higher.
  • The uranium cost is a tough barrier to low and mid level players.
  • In March of 2014, many of the builds and research times have significantly decreased.
  • The old build times can help you estimate the new build times.
  • Resource requirements remain the same.


Insert text here, without quotes.
  — In-Game Description 

Related Pages[]


  • I thought the Retrofit lab was suppose to allow players with older hulls an opportunity to make them relevant again or at the very least, usable. How is it that the V2c, V2h and Kodiak already are available for retrofit?

That was the original intent, but since then the Retrofit Lab has expanded to be a more general “Upgrade Lab.” We discussed renaming it briefly, but decided against it to avoid any potential confusion.

Source: Kixeye - AMA Answers! - part I

External Links[]

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Battle Pirates Retrofit Lab



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Oil RigMetal FoundryWind TurbineZynthium RefineryWarehouse


Weapons LabNaval LabAdvanced LabIntelligence LabRetrofit LabTactical Lab


Defense PlatformWall

