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Battle Pirates Wiki

Event Overview[]

Deathstroke Event Cover Photo

Commander Vassago has devoted the entire might of the Draconian Armada in an effort to crush Grimshine and her marauding band of Reaver cohorts. With Vassago distracted by these irradiated upstarts Captain Harlock has decided the time to strike is now. Plan your tactics to survive your brush with death.
Deathstroke will begin May 15th and will run until May 19th.

Deathstroke will be a staggered start with the following times:

World Alpha: 9AM PDT
World Beta: 10AM PDT
World Gamma: 11AM PDT
World Delta: 12PM PDT
World Epsilon: 1PM PDT

Event Information[]

START TIME 09:00 PST Depending on the Sector
END TIME 09:00 PST Depending on the Sector
START DATE May 15, 2014
END DATE May 19, 2014
EVENT TYPE Attack Reaver & Draconian Fleets
ANTAGONIST Reavers & Dracs Led by Grimshine & Commander Vassago
DURATION OF EVENT 4 Days Event Store open additional 24 hours

Primary Mission Objective[]

  • Players will be targeting sets of Warzone Targets to earn Points. Warzones will feature ships from the Draconian Empire and the Reaver Faction. Captains will be faced with the challenge of avoiding fire as the Draconians and Reavers clash in combat and are tasked with eliminating all forces present in the target.
  • There are three types of Warzone Targets. The Draconian Assault, the Reaver Swarm, and the Standoff type target.
  • Draconian Assault Targets will feature heavy Draconian presence as the might of the Draconian Empire is brought to bear on the Reavers.
  • Reaver Swarm targets feature a host of Reavers eliminating any who stand in their Warpath.
  • Standoff Type targets will feature capital ships present from both the Reaver and Draconian fleets.
    • Three enemy sets (A, B, C) have been targeted for destruction.
    • Clearing all targets in a specific set will grant a set bonus.
    • Sets "B" and "C" can only be completed for Bonus Points 10 times. Set A will have no cap on Completions.
    • Set A = 61 - 65 Highest level targets
    • Set B = 41 - 45 Medium level targets
    • Set C = 21 - 25 Lowest level targets

Event Prizes[]

Tier 1[]

2,000 - 125,000

Prize Price
Hailstorm Anti-Mortar A 75,000 Elite
Speed System I 125,000
Zynthonite Armor D2-U 125,000
Strike System I 125,000
Piranha Depth Charges I 100,000
Zynthonite Armor D2-V 100,000
Countermeasure Equipment I 100,000
Zynthonite Armor D2-E 75,000
Shredder Cannon I 50,000
Stealth Attack System I 50,000
Vortex Torpedoes D61-A 50,000
Alloy Armor CX-1 2,000

Tier 2[]

200,000 - 500,000

Prize Price
Phalanx Anti-Missile I 350,000 Elite
Piranha Depth Charge II 500,000
Zynthonite Armor D3-E 500,000
Zynthonite Armor D3-U 425,000
Strike System II 425,000
Speed System II 425,000
Countermeasure Equipment II 375,000
Blitz Drone Module I 350,000
Hailstorm Anti-Mortar B 350,000
Alloy Armor MC-2 275,000
Assault Torpedoes D63-X 275,000
Shredder Cannon II 200,000

Tier 3[]

1,000,000 - 3,000,000

Prize Price
Phalanx Anti-Missile II 2,000,000 Elite
Piranha Depth Charges III 3,000,000
Halo Missile 3,000,000
Zynthonite Armor D4-U 2,750,000
Hailstorm Anti-Mortar C 2,500,000
Speed Upgrade 2,250,000
Depleted Uranium Shells III 2,000,000
Blitz Drone Module II 2,000,000
Countermeasure Equipment III 1,750,000
Alloy Armor CX-3 1,500,000
Stealth Attack System III 1,250,000
Shredder Cannon III 1,000,000

Tier 4[]

2,250,000 - 7,000,000

Prize Price
Dragonfly UAV 4,500,000 Elite
Javelin Rail Gun 7,000,000
Siege Missile D55-F 5,500,000
Assault Mortar D73-X 5,000,000
Siege Mortar D75-B 5,000,000
Impulse Launcher D92-U 4,500,000
Speed System III 4,375,000
Strike System III 4,375,000
Phalanx Anti-Missile III 4,000,000
Vulture Missiles 4,000,000
Blitz Drone Module III 2,500,000
Shockwave Mortar D71-Q 2,250,000

Tier 5[]

4,500,000 - 9,000,000

Prize Price
Lightning Carrier 9,000,000
Nash's Lightning Carrier 4,500,000 Limited (10)
Harlock's Atlas Carrier 4,500,000 Limited (10)

Prize Redemption[]

Deathstroke will feature a large pool of prize options per tier that are available for purchase. Players will earn points for completing sets of targets and will be able to redeem their points for prizes.
Players will be able to redeem three prizes per tier.
The Limited Blueprints, Nash's Lightning Carrier, and Harlock's Atlas Carrier can be redeemed up to 10 times per hull.
*All Prize prices are subject to change*

Target List[]

Set Target Fleet Description
C 21 3 ES, 3 RD
C 22 1 Inter, 3 Rad, 3 RD
C 23 1 RS, 3 RD, 3 ES
C 24 2 Inter, 2 Rad, 3 RD
C 25 2 RD, 1 RDH, 1 RS, 4 ES
B 41 4 MCX R5, 4 RD, 2 Inter
B 42 4 ES, 2 RDH, 7 RD, 3 RS
B 43 2 Charon, 1 ES, 7 Inter, 4 MCX R5, 1 NC, 4 RS
B 44 12 RD, 1 Charon, 2 ES, 1 GB, 1 RDH, 2 RS
B 45 4 RD, 3 Inter, 3 MCX R5, 1 RM, 1 PN, 1 RDH, 2 RS
A 61 6 MCX R5, 3 NC, 3 RS, 5 Inter
A 62 4 RS, 7 RD, 1 GB, 2 Inter, 2 SCX, 1 RDH, 3 ES
A 63 6 Inter, 7 MCX R5, 1 PN, 1 HLNC, 1 RS, 1 Charon
A 64 1 RS, 14 RD, 1 RM, 5 ES, 1 RDH
A 65 5 Inter, 1 RM, 2 RS, 4 RD, 2 RDH, 6 MCX R5, 1 Charon, 1 PN, 1 B

For a more detailed Fleet Breakdown Visit BP-information.blogspot

Key & Ships Used:

Bonus Points Payout[]

Set A Bonus starts at 1,500,000 points, and will cap out at 2,000,000 points.
Set B Bonus starts at 500,000 points, and will cap out at 750,000 points.
Set C Bonus starts at 50,000 points, and will cap out at 75,000 points.
The targets in each set will contribute about the same amount of points as the first bonus.

Completion→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11>
Set A 1.5m 1.6m 1.7m 1.8m 1.9m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m 2m
Set B 500k 550k 600k 650k 750k 750k 750k 750k 800k 850k 0
Set C 50k 55k 60k 65k 75k 75k 75k 75k 75k 75k 0

Uranium Bonus[]

There will also be Uranium awards based on points completion. These awards start at 100 Uranium for 100,000 Event Points scored and cap out at 5,000 bonus Uranium.

Points Needed: Uranium Awarded:
100,000 100
500,000 500
2,000,000 1,000
5,000,000 2,000
10,000,000 5,000

New Prizes Infomation[]

Lightning Carrier:
A lightly armored Carrier Hull, this speedy ship is built to carry UAV’s into Open Water combat. Ideal for Warzone combat, it possesses the maneuverability and range to weave in between Reaver and Draconian Ships.

Nash's Lightning Carrier: Redeemable up to 10
A limited Variant of the Lightning Carrier, this hull has been customized by Admiral Brennus and has boosted stats over the normal Lightning Carrier. It also has a Random Launch Override ability which allows it to launch a random Specialist UAV from the following list:
Kamikaze UAV:
This UAV will glow red and when launched will Swarm around its target dealing damage as normal. Once its Swarm Duration completes rather than return to the ship that launched it, it will Detonate dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Marathon UAV:
This UAV will glow white and when launched swarms around its target for an extended duration.
Pinch UAV:
This UAV will glow blue and when launched will fire Pinch rounds at its target stunning it briefly for a short duration.

Harlock's Atlas Carrier: Redeemable up to 10
A limited Variant of the Atlas Carrier, this hull has been customized by Admiral Brennus to meet Harlock's specifications. It has boosted stats over the normal Atlas Carrier and also possess the Random Launch Override ability, allowing to launch a random Specialist UAV from the following list:
Kamikaze UAV:
This UAV will glow red and when launched will Swarm around its target dealing damage as normal. Once its Swarm Duration completes rather than return to the ship that launched it, it will Detonate dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Marathon UAV:
This UAV will glow white and when launched swarms around its target for an extended duration.
Pinch UAV:
This UAV will glow blue and when launched will fire Pinch rounds at its target stunning it briefly for a short duration.

Dragonfly UAV:
This specialist UAV is equipped with a Flash Bang cannon. This cannon will damage enemies and overload their targeting systems causing them to lose accuracy each time one of these UAV’s deals damage.

Tips and Tricks:[]

Looking to up your game? Take a look at this post which gives some tips and tricks when approaching Warzone Targets: LINK


Commander Vassago's wrath knows no bounds, and he's determined to exact his revenge on the Reavers. The war rages on, Captain! will you join the fight?
  — Captain Harlock 

The Dracs have gone on the offensive! They have the Reavers in their crosshairs and will stop at nothing to wipe them off the World Map. We mus attack while they're distracted. Will you help us deal the deathstroke to our enemies?
  — Captain Harlock 

Additional Facts[]

1) Lighting Cruiser is a FvF hull with the Dragonfly UAV which reduces accuracy based weapons and increases spread of explosive weapons.

2) Nash's Lightning Cruiser has a higher UAV damage modifier and more cargo hauling capability.

At the start of the event, a lot of Players are experiencing numerous problems logging in, launching fleets and attacking targets.  The Kixeye servers and home page are displaying errors 404, 500, 505 and S.O.S.  This is becoming a disturbingly familiar trend as it also occured in the March and April raids.




Battle Pirates Deathstroke


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